
Wolin Tour - Centre of Slavs and Vikings

LocationWolin - Recław, Zachodniopomorskie, Polska


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More about the camp


7 - 12 years old

Full Board




General Recreational

7 - 12years old
April, May, June, September, October
🧭💪💡 Interesting, informative and engaging - the perfect 1-day trip! 🗺️ Wolin is the largest island on the territory of Poland. The oldest traces of settlement man (ceramics, tools) in Wolin are dated to the period of the younger era stone (4200-1700 BC). With the beginning of the great migration of peoples (4th-6th century AD) the Slavs began to reach the island. Soon Wolin became a dynamically developing fortress and one of the richest Baltic ports. 🏰⚔️🛡️ THE CENTRE OF THE SLAVS and VIKINGS is an open-air museum with several objects – replicas of early medieval Wolin. Today, the number of facilities is 27 huts, two gates with embankments and defensive fortifications, and a port quay. Every year, the city hosts the famous Festival of Slavs and Vikings, which is visited by enthusiasts of medieval reconstruction from all over Europe. During the visit, we will visit the castle and learn about the history of Wolin in the early Middle Ages. SIGHTSEEING 📜🏹🍯 PROGRAM: Younger groups (1st-3rd grade of primary school) visit the castle with an educator: Children are divided into teams and each of them takes part in workshops - gluing from clay, felt production, writing with a goose feather, warrior run or early medieval drill, archery. Older children visit the castle in the form of a field game: The goal of the approaches is for each team to collect 6 runes from the mythical gods who hid in the form of craftsmen moving around the open-air museum. Teams must find the gods, guess their names and perform tasks (in the field of old crafts or fitness). The runes obtained in this way will create an answer – the name of the legendary city, whose inhabitants the game participants must save from annihilation. The team that first discovers the hidden expression and shouts it from the top of the gate wins. The game ends when all teams score the correct runes and complete all tasks. Meanwhile, a snack awaits young explorers - snacks with jam or honey, gingerbread baked in the oven and herbal tea. At the end of the tour, we will eat a grilled sausage 🌭🔥 🏖️ After an adventure in Wolin, there is a possibility to go to Międzyzdroje (free time to buy souvenirs, ice cream, pier, go down to the beach). The entire excursion program takes place outdoors. We can organize the trip even in colder months (April, September, October) - warm clothes will suffice. 🙂 In the event of light rainfall, some of the classes will be moved to the shed or to the huts.
Event programme

1 day

Zbiórka pod szkołą Wyjazd do Wolina Atrakcje w Centrum Słowian i Wikingów (ok. 2 godziny) Czas na zabawę swobodną Posiłek: kiełbaski z grilla Po zakończeniu programu możliwość przejazdu do Międzyzdrojów (zejście na plażę, czas wolny na zakup lodów, pamiątek) Powrót pod szkołę
Full Board
Snack: snacks with jam, tea Meal: grilled sausage served with bread and ketchup

Available Diets:

Vegetarian diet
Participants are covered by accident insurance






Price List

Estimated price
from 140

Price includes

    Price DOES NOT include

    • Coach transport

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