Good Thoughts Station - Tour for Preschoolers

LocationUstroń, Śląskie, Polska

OrganizerDworzec Dobrych Myśli

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More about the camp


3 - 6 years old

Full Board

General Recreational




3 - 6years old
Whole year
We invite you to visit the Good Thoughts Station for children attending kindergartens! It's a place filled with teddy bears and dolls. The owner of all the teddy bears is Bruno Zielonka, who has already collected over 11,000 of them at the moment. There are about 3,000 bears on display. In addition to these typical bears known to children today, there are also those with history at the Station - stuffed with tow, straw, sawdust or sponge. In addition, you can see items that show the teddy bear, such as Christmas tree baubles, stamps, phone cards, mugs, plates or plates. Did you know that at the exhibition you will see bears that are made of stone, glass, paper, wood or coal? The dolls come from several collections (Ewa and Jagoda Liszka, Anita Michałowska and Fryderyk Różański), and each of them is unique and unrepeatable. It is worth mentioning that the collection of Bruno Zielonek's bears and the collection of dolls by Anita Michałowska and Ewa Liszka are entered in the Polish Book of Records and Singularities. During the tour, we familiarize the children with where the cuddly bear came from and inform them when its holiday falls. We talk about what environment bears come from, what is interesting about them and how many species live in the world. This place is surprising, unusual, deep in the heart and moving a note of nostalgia. This is also noticed by others. I am a proud holder of the Diploma of the Marshal of the Silesian Voivodeship for Merits for the Development of Tourism in 2024. The Station of Good Thoughts is made for everyone. Everyone from 1 to 101 years old will find something for themselves. That's why I often say: "Let's teach children to love bears so that they can love people in the future."
Event programme

1 day

Wprowadzenie grupy na Dworzec Dobrych Myśli. Właściciel, Bruno Zielonka lub pracownik, opowiada o atrakcjach i o tym, co można zobaczyć na Dworcu Dobrych Myśli - ponad 11 000 kolekcja misiów, Kolekcje lalek, Zbiór pluszowych małpek, Malarstwo przez tysiąclecia, Polskie herby z niedźwiedziem, Wodzenie niedźwiedzia, Miś Walery, Najmniejszy miś w Polsce oraz Największy miś w zbiorze. Dyskusja, czas na zadawanie pytań własnych. Zwiedzanie. Można robić zdjęcia. Bardzo często wykonujemy również wspólne pamiątkowe zdjęcie. Zachęcamy do wzięcia udziału w konkursie na mini obrazki. Naszym celem jest wpis do Księgi Rekordów Guinessa. Możliwość dokonania drobnych pamiątkowych zakupów w Kawiarence Marzeń. Można nabyć: kartki pocztowe, długopisy, pamiętniki, misie, magnesy, breloczki itp. Na zakończenie opiekunowie grupy otrzymują pamiątkowy drobiazg. Prosimy wówczas także o wpis do Księgi Gości. W przypadku większych grup podział na dwie mniejsze, z których jedna idzie zwiedzać, a druga pozostaje na sali i słucha przewodnika, później zmiana grup.
Full Board
For an additional fee, it is possible to order a teddy bear cake and a cup of hot chocolate in advance. For participants who are not able to consume this drink, we prepare tea on request.









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from 20 per person

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Price List

Estimated price
from 20
For groups of 21 people or larger, with a group supervisor - the cost per 1 person is PLN 20; For groups of 20 people or smaller, with a group supervisor - the cost per 1 person is PLN 25; Normal ticket - the cost per 1 person is PLN 25.

Price includes

  • For groups of 21 people or larger, with a group supervisor - the cost per 1 person is PLN 20;
  • For groups of 20 people or smaller, with a group supervisor - the cost per 1 person is PLN 25;
  • Normal ticket - the cost per 1 person is PLN 25.

Price DOES NOT include

  • Transport;
  • Meals - cake-bear + hot chocolate

Additional information

"⚠Check out all our offers: - click on the ORGANIZER tab (under the main photo)" We invite everyone, regardless of age!

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